
The ultimate end state of being truly good at something is to have done the “ungooglable”.

Expertise built over years via deliberate practice and continuous improvement often leads to working on concepts, via methods, or using skills; that the world’s biggest search can’t find a likeness. 

how to #doTheUngooglable 

Add a second expertise to your first. Combine two ideas. Synthesise a new one. Find a new angle on and old problem. Be the first in a new field.

Jealousy does not serve you - and neither does time. So scare yourself and get started on something, anything!

Thus: world-first training products like our gamified foundations; unprecedented output like out Studio; revolutionary thinking like our scrum for the unmasculine and the unpower-focussed… and things each No Mosser will eventually themselves develop and add to this roster. 

The present is theirs. The future; for which I really worked; is mine.
— Nikola Tesla